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RE: My brief experience with MindsEye AI Part 1: BOB ROSS JELLO

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago (edited)

Heya! Yeah, speakerjohnash and I are both beta testers for Midjourney, and a lot of the things I've been posting lately are made using that. I saw what speakerjohnash said about midjourney vs mindseye being different and he's right--I'm 99% that midjourney is going to be in private beta for a while while they figure out the pricing tiers, although I have seen on the discord that they hope to offer grants and things for artists who can't afford the service.
I really hope you get into the beta--I know the list is absurdly long right now, but if you dm me some prompts you'd like to try I can run them and send them back to you?

ETA: I can also point you towards a bunch of other AI resources and I'm always thrilled to talk about pros/cons of the various methods, prompt formatting, weights, etc. And I love your Bob Ross jellos!!

 2 years ago (edited) 

Yeah I figured out why I was so confused, saw that link for mindseye and thought it was from them for some reason, then got an email the next day saying the servers were getting over run, thought it made sense that it went public, lol anyways! I actually wouldn't be opposed to paying for it if it isn't too expensive, I guess I need to decide if I would use it in my art or not or if it's worth it just to play around 😀

If you have any other low tech ones I'd love to hear about them. Do you have google collab pro? I wondered about the processing power, my comp definitely can't run any of this stuff locally...

I have three accounts running colab pro, which is 20$ cheaper than running pro+ on a single account, so definitely worth it, I'd say! Have you had a poke around my colab library? It's my pinned post, and I updated it pretty recently, so things should mostly be in-date still :)

 2 years ago  

I think I did but didn't have enough time to explore or try anything out, will def look again when I have more time!

I'd recommend starting out with Disco Diffusion; v 5.1 just launched tonight, and it supports video inits, which means you could run any of your videos through it and do some really wild style transfer or glitch stuff :)
here's the official tweet linking to the colab:
~~~ embed:1509312289442340866?s=20&t=KRyV6U1pyMwO0R82GKahQA twitter metadata:Z2FuZGFtdV9tbHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9nYW5kYW11X21sL3N0YXR1cy8xNTA5MzEyMjg5NDQyMzQwODY2fA== ~~~

 2 years ago (edited) 

Bookmarked! Looks like I may need collab pro for this one


Update! Scratch that I got it running, going to have to wait a bit to see if I did it correctly!