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RE: Luhumma

You are co-writing these posts :) So many new angles are opened to me from the comments I get. Not least your's.

So portals! Yes, definitely - but I hadn't seen it. Hadn't thought of it that way. When I began this messy experiment I had a feeling that it was maybe to incomplete - that it needed work and thinking, but I am glad I jumped into it.

I am not sure how to answer the question about which world is primary and which one is secondary, how much is exchanged between them. But something is exchanged I am sure, and Luhumma suddenly became changed and exchanged (haha). The banal is maybe not to be looked down upon (which I might have had a tendency to do). It is a strong connection between worlds. Portals even. (I have to think more about this).


I'm glad you jumped into this. It would have been very different if you hadn't, no? Although it couldn't possibly ever be as banal as a post about a plate of food. I'm now eating a bowl of chicken broth (mine) with garlic, tofu, nettles, sunchokes, soy and horseradish instead of the ginger I don't have. It's actually really good, and interesting. If I'd thought about it before I made it, I'd have gone out to get ginger, and made another bowl of nearly the same old soup.

Yes, it would have been different - and not so interesting (for me).

The banal. Food is never banal.