Isn't It Delicious?

in Alien Art Hive9 months ago (edited)

Our conceptions of beauty in the west have changed throughout our history. The changes have been driven by many social and cultural parameters, but in great part, they've been ushered by the greater autonomy that women have achieved, particularly when it comes to their sexuality.

Sex is a hot topic. There is no end to those who want to control sex for their own purposes by restricting the what, when, how, where, and why of it. Usually these are men, but there are plenty of women too who love nothing better than to control sexual behavior and expression.

In North America, the changes in sexual mores have been partly accelerated by mass media. Every teenage boy of the 20th century knew about the luscious pages of fashion magazines or the abstract thrills of Picasso porn. It has even been observed that women's skirts rose or declined based on the ups and downs of the financial markets (though I cannot provide a source for this intriguing observation). Without question, one of the most enduring symbols of female sexuality was Marilyn Monroe. Here was the female in control of reproductive units, titillating her audience with naughty innuendos and creamy skin. Some conservative prudes and some humorless liberals disapproved of this suddenly libertarian attitude towards sex, in which sensual power was concentrated in the individual and not their favorite bureaucracy. How dare a woman used her sensuality to create her own reality? This was an outrage! It was a losing battle. For good or ill, Marlyn and her flower-scented body won the day and heralded an era of sexual liberation unlike any thing we had seen up to date in North America.


One of the most famous scenes, and perhaps the defining scene of her career, took place in one of her films that was provocatively called The Seven Year Itch. In this scene, Marilyn is walking by an air vent wearing a dress, when suddenly she stands over it and lets the air blow up her dress, and the minds of every male with eyes glued to the screen.


In an era when porn and pseudo-porn is easily available at our fingertips, Marilyn playful hijinks don't seem that big of a deal, but back then near the middle of the twentieth century, this film raised more than a few eyebrows. Deconstructing this particular scene, one sees the female in charge. Her male companion didn't force her do it, she stood over that vent of her own accord, knowing full well the effect it would have on him while at the same time daring him to react. What did he do? Did he lose his marbles and told her to get back in the kitchen? No he didn't. He put his hands in his pockets and enjoyed the show.


I tried to recreate the scene using Stable Diffusion, and I got a lot of bizarre creations. Most of them I didn't like because they were distorted or did not truly capture her beauty.

I used both text to image prompts and then updated the output using the image to image of function in SD to remove some artifacts. I hope you enjoyed the show.



Images generated by @litguru using Stable Diffusion software

NFT Showroom Gallery
Leo Threads


I love the results you achieved, it looks luminous, it contrasts and there is a freshness to your face, it is splendid!😀

Thank you @avdesing! This was interesting to work on. I enjoyed adding different effects to capture Marilyn's beauty :)

And it's super cool!

They are very beautiful and meaningful images and so is the message you give. Women's empowerment exists when they do not set limits for themselves. Greetings, @litguru

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Your post has been voted by @celf.magazine, curatorial project and digital magazine about art and culture in Hive. Join our community and share your talent with us.

Thank you so much!

These have a dreamy quality to them!

They do have a dreamy feel. The ones that didn't work out were pretty out there. Some created tiny versions of Marilyn standing next to the larger version. It was hilarious. The day is approaching when those 'aberrations' will no longer be an issue with this technology, so it's fun seeing them now.

I will try and drum up a few with the newest bot we are testing out. I did some cool MM runs a long time ago that turned out really cool. So, i will try those old prompts and see how they come out now. I might even try to get a couple with a mini Marilyn like you did. hahha

That'd be great to see. I gave up on Marilyn after a few hours of mini ones. I was like wth is this? The first image, for example, used to have them flying around, but I got rid of them by adding the paper instead.