Fragmented Fractal

in Alien Art Hive5 months ago

Patterns & Art

I think it's so interesting with patterns of different kinds, like fractals.



We see them so often in nature that I think many people lose appreciation for such organized beauty.



Even in chaos, organized beauty can be found in the form of fractals.


I love making patterns myself, as you've probably noticed.


Creating spirals is my passion right now. As with everything, my passions come and go in waves.


Here I have made this painting with acrylic paint on a square pre-stretched canvas.



This artwork was one of many new paintings I'm working on with different patterns and fractals in mind.


Thanks for coming to my post to see my art.


That was all for now

Swedish Translation

Fragmenterad fraktal
Jag tycker det är så intressant med mönster av olika slag, som fraktaler. Vi ser dem så ofta i naturen att jag tror att många tappar uppskattningen för sådan organiserad skönhet. Även i kaos kan det hittas organiserad skönhet i form av fraktaler.

Jag älskar att göra mönster själv, som ni säkert har märkt.
Att skapa spiraler är min passion just nu. Som med allt kommer mina passioner och går i vågor.

Här har jag gjort denna tavla med akrylfärg på en fyrkantig försträckt duk. Detta konstverk var en av många nya målningar som jag arbetar på med olika mönster och fraktaler i åtanke.

Tack för att du kom till mitt inlägg för att se min konst.
Det var allt tills vidare



It's really fitting, isn't it?

Jag gillar alltid ditt arbete, formen och färgerna stämmer alltid överens med det jag uppskattar

Dog Dancing GIF

Phenomenal painting, love it

You have an interesting style. I liked it very much.
Do you record a video of your work process?
It would be interesting to see how such a picture is created!

You yourself create adorable works of art!

Thanks so much. When I get into flow mode, I simply forget. Besides, I can handle a lot of balls in the air :) But when I paint, I'm often in some kind of trance. Will try to make a few more attempts.
Funny that you comment, hardly anyone does…

I always write sincerely about art.
And I really liked your work. You have wonderful technique and amazing style!

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I love it, the colors really sing.