Voxel Animation!! ❤️

Hi Friends, I am locked in the house with the covid I have no symptoms but I had a lot of time these days...in my research I found out that, one of my favorite software MagicaVoxel, has released an update that allows you to animate voxels...this is the first test I did only a few frames to understand the operation, it is a bit laborious but I like the result a lot !!
01 (1).gif
here are also some photographic renderings ...
good start to the week everyone !!!
FOTO001 copia.jpg

FOTO002 copia.jpg


 2 years ago  

Woah I had no idea about the update! Happy to hear you are symptom free :)

is very nice the timeline they included was just what was needed ;)

Very cool! I bet you are going to do some interesting stuff with this technique.

For Sure!!! ...i love the magicavoxel render engime and you know i love a lot animation so :) !!