
Thanks for the support bro! Maybe you should post them or enter them into the Weekly Art Contest. I appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to comment.

Wow will be awesome.
Shure I Will do it But where I can apply for the Weekly Art Contest?

It runs every week and here is the link for this week's contest. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Woooow awesome! I make in the past 3 post about art and Splinterlands but i don't know about this. I'm going to make some of My art pieces / Splinterlands there. Thanks a Lot My brother

This contest is curated so even if you don't win you will get curated. Show your process of creation and post your link and image in the comments. The more effort and better your art the better the curation will be.

Only one entry to this contest per week... but you don't have to post your art in the Splinterlands community. It's pretty simple and if you dig Splinterlands then this is the spot to put your art.

They have a social media art challenge once a week you can enter a second post into. I don't know much about that one or the rules there. But you can look on the @ splinterlands account and find it on the blog.

Take care browski! =)

OKI doki. I wanna show You the old Splinterlands art that I make the lasts months if You wanna take a look about My kind of art in the Splinterlands world



Very interesting and trippy bro! hahaha It will be interesting to see what you do... fo sho!