Wrapping up collage week on the front page, what genre should we feature next?

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago

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For the last week we have been featuring collage based art on our home page. If you haven't checked it out yet visit https://nftshowroom.com/, every time you refresh the page it takes a random selection from our featured list! Here are a few of the amazing NFTs featured:

Love knows no bounds by @elgeko (collab with @aemile-kh @juliakponsford @vachemorte @r0nd0n)


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Aurora by @pittcn


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Snitch by @balabambuz


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Swami Prabhupada the Messiah by @julianhorack


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Metamorphoship by @insaneworks


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What genre should we feature next? Leave your suggestions in the comments!

Visit the site and browse art: https://nftshowroom.com/

You can follow us on
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NftShowroom
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nftshowroom/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3iRvtv3A7EAGRcZMYGJmHw

Visit our virtual gallery in Cryptovoxels: NFT Showroom Exhibition

For any questions or support please visit us in discord NFT Showroom discord



The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @jlinaresp ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Hive blockchain based nfts such as Hive logos, hive project logos, and hive personalities etc.

Thanks again for being super awesome!


Awesome collection! Excited for the next one! 😍