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RE: Digital art update - Soldier of plague ( Virus war ) // Arte Digital actualización y nuevo arte - Soldado de la Plaga

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago

I love your post, the exploration, your process and the sharing of that. You're doing so well with drawing. I'm very interested in looking at your hand drawing and where you're going with that. Also, how you are working with that digitally and experimenting. I really enjoyed reading your post.


Thank you so much for the comment @nineclaws , right now Im practicing my hand drawing with a board, then I take the picture and digitally I edit the picture, this is very easy process except for the fact that you have to take the picture in an perfect angle so the drawing doesn't get distorted. Because of this I started to drawing directly on the tablet at least in my last few posts, just because I wanted to speed things up a bit. I will post more process in video form, so this way you are gonna be able to see the whole process of working digitally from start to finish , so stay tuned to the blog.

You're most welcome. Getting the perfect angle so the drawing doesn't get distorted, yes, that is something to fuss with, from my experience. So you have a drawing tablet? I'm looking forward to seeing your process in video form. I'm all eyes!