Infected Dreams

A week or so ago, I posted a fractal named "Infection", inspired by the pandemic that is sweeping the globe.

Who knows how deep a never-seen-before infection can go? What if an infection could mess with your brain cells, altering the synapses and changing the way you dream? That is serious black-science shit, bro!

Here are some examples of the "Infection" fractal suffering the modifications of the Deep Dream Generator:







The Stars are -almost- Right!


it conveys the infection...nice work 😁

 4 years ago  

Very infected! I have included this in my weekly curation Ocean of Art!

Changing the way I dream sounds interesting. My dreams are mostly "realistic" ones so they are boring XD I haven't seen some colorful surreal shit in my dreams, not that I remember T_T

These are pretty good! I like the second one! :D