New artwork "alien fox"

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago (edited)

Hi friends, today I want to show you my new creations, I was experimenting with new images on artbreeder and I was able to do this weird thing that looks like a fox, I like it and decided to apply some filters with deepdreamgenerator


The first one I did was this, I feel it gives it a somewhat zombie look, this image would be great to use as a shirt.img_20211009_155717_1_.jpg

Then I did this one and although I liked it, I didn't like it as much as the previous one.img_20211009_155653_1_.jpg

Well that's all, I hope you liked it. 🤗

Original post, please do not copy, please upvote and reblog.


That does have a Rob Zombie art style look to it! Great job using multiple applications to get more interesting results! Keep up the great work.