Weekly drawings. More detailed ones

Here are my weekly update about my work of art. I'm still practicing with ink and nib.

The drawing below is "Superior stabat lupus", from the latin fable by Phedri
IMG_20230611_141315 r.jpg

The following is entitled "Dozing" (or "War is always")

IMG_20230610_223342 r.jpg

And the next one is "Back from the furnace"

IMG_20230608_105519 r.jpg

Then a cartoon: "The barber's paradox solved"

IMG_20230611_193546_1 r.jpg

And some other ones with not title (yet):

IMG_20230608_224033 r .jpg

IMG_20230608_154844 r.jpg

IMG_20230612_103254 r.jpg


These ones are beautiful artworks
They are very lovely
I love them!!!

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!