Temptations - Digital art [EN | DE]

in Alien Art Hive5 months ago


Hi Hivian 🖖

Thanks for stopping-by. :-)
Creating pictures can be like therapy. I, of course, don't want to withhold one of my latest creative self-therapeutic outpourings from you.


Hallo Hivianer 🖖

Vielen Dank fürs Reinschauen. :-)
Bilder zu machen kann wie eine Therapie sein. Einen meiner jüngsten kreativ selbst-therapeutischen Ergüsse möchte ich dir natürlich nicht vorenthalten.



About my picture

Usually I make pictures about things that occupy me. And this time is no exception.
I came up with this idea a few months ago when a guy I knew died of a heart attack after years of chasing big money with no care for himself.
The saddest thing, I realized, was that he never achieved his goal. It was just enough for the show, which is what he spent most of his energy on.


Über mein Bild

Meistens mache ich Bilder über Dinge, die mich beschäftigen. So auch dieses Mal wieder.
Auf diese Idee kam ich vor eine paar Monaten, als ein Bekannter an einem Herzinfarkt gestorben war, nachdem er dem großen Geld jahrelang und ohne Rücksicht auf sich selbst hinterher rannte.
Besonders traurig daran war, fand ich, dass er sein Ziel nie erreichte. Es reichte gerade so für den Anschein, wofür er den größten Teil seiner Kraft aufbrachte.


How it was done

The picture is completely created with the open source programs Blender 3D and GIMP.
I set up and rendered the scene in Blender. Then I added a few details (blood, shadows, lights, ...) in GIMP and applied a cinematic LUT.


Wie es gemacht wurde.

Das Bild ist komplett mit den open source Programmen Blender 3D und GIMP erstellt.
In Blender habe ich die Szene aufgesetzt und gerendert. Danach habe ich in GIMP ein paar Details (Blut, Schatten, Lichter, ...) ergänzt und ein kinematisches LUT angewandt.


Best regards | Viele Grüße

╭━⋞ ☙ My NFT artworks ⋟━╮
╭━⋞ ֎ My LMAC collages and LIL posts ⋟━━╮
╰━━━━━━━━━⋞ 👽 My Alien Art ⋟━━━━━━━━━╯


Die Idee und die daraus resultierende Umsetzung lassen erahnen, dass der gierige (blinde) Zugriff verheerende Folgen nach sich ziehen könnte. Wie mir allerdings schon so mancher Nager in meiner Umgebung zu beweisen imstande war, kann die Falle auch ohne tödliche Folgen abgeräumt werden. 😊

This is really good and very telling!

The fact that we are chasing money does not mean we should not take care of ourselves
I feel sorry for that guy

I love the picture and it’s a lesson to us that we should take care of ourselves
Life is very important

Wow... It's really cool!

For the love of money, one may indeed lose his head. As tempting as it seems, we all know that it's only a trap waiting to spring on us. At least some of us do. It's truly amazing that we as humans see a pitfall and the consequences, and still we can't resist to see whether our luck will change. Rarely happens.

Nicely done. Thanks for sharing.

So much to see and think, lovely work!Very true depiction @quantumg. Overall the image is telling what the setup is really in our days! The skull at the far end is a nice detail, with the focusing light on top of the pile of money, it creates a idiomatic extension of "from now to the end”. -The guy next in the line!- It is sad to see people getting stuck in that trap. And honestly I believe that we all do the same at some stage, up to some degree, if not for money at least for another side track. Another hidden artifact for me is the power socket on the decorated wall. This symbolizes a home. And the character is so lost in money chasing that he misses the point of being at home, all the time he is thinking for the catch. That miniature size at home means loosing his bonds and meaning to the family as well.

#hive #posh

Thank you! :-)