"100 Demon Night Parade (of NFTS) (HiveBloPoMo #24)" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

sleep of the unjust.jpg

[Never before seen MS Paint drawing of a monster sleeping peacefully.]

I drew that image above for some reason. Or for no reason. Doesn't matter which, actually. What matters is that I made it. Now IT IS. (Argue with that!)

I made other stuff, too, sometimes with help, sometimes all on my lonesome...


"Traveling Head"

traveling head (peg).jpg

[Digital drawing created on my phone.] Even without a body, Snorb liked to travel. He particularly enjoyed the challenge of mountain climbing! (No one quite understood how he managed to scale Mt. Shlambalamba, summiting the entire glacier to the very tip-top and DURING a volcanic lava flow! Usually, a climber would need at least one leg and a hand or two just to get to the first base-camp.) Incidentally, Snorb would eventually die in his own bathroom, slipping on a bar of soap in the shower. (Again, how he slipped on a bar of soap without any feet is a true mystery.)



"Survived Another Night..."

survived another night.png

[Digital drawing over photo that I took of a mysterious creature crying in our bathroom.] Despite the wail of the orange furry banshee from the hallway at night, both my wife and I have survived to see another dawn! How about you? (If you made it, feel free to buy a piece or two from my super-cheap, novelty collection! About the same price as a donut and a coffee!)

Tags: art, digitalart, mixedmedia, photography, weird, monsters, nonsense, humor, cryptoart, nfts



"Slab Face"

slab face.jpg

[Modeling dough over cardboard with minor digital embellishments.] Found in an ancient well, this talisman is thought to bestow a curse on the last person who touches it. (The curse is to always wake up three minutes before your alarm goes off... Horrifying!)



"Lines (Not a Portrait of a Woman Cussing)"


[Digital drawing created with a no-longer-supported free app on my phone.] Abstract construction based on emotion and jitteriness. Feel free to interpret these lines however you are most inclined to see them.

Tags: art, digitalart, phonesart, abstractart, humor, weird, nfts, cryptoart, blackandwhite, monochrome



"Lo-Fi (Survival - As a Game)" by Richard F. Yates & Felicity Echo Hanson

lo-fi (survival - as a game).jpg

[Crayon and colored pencil on yellow cardstock with minor digital embellishments.] Felicity has gotten very aggressive with her drawing, which makes for some impressive line work. Meanwhile, as per usual, I try to make cartoony faces that people can recognize and glom onto. (I am far more inhibited that she is!) This was a fun collaboration! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool) & Felicity Echo Hanson (Toddler Terror)



"Survival - As a Game" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool) & Felicity Echo Hanson (Toddler Terror)

survival (as a game).png

[Crayon and colored pencil on cardstock with digital embellishments and color.] The godlike creature, full of menace and (probably) butane, played his games with the "LESSER CREATURES," watching with mild curiosity to see which would live and which would perish... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool) & Felicity Echo Hanson (Toddler Terror)



Okay... Let's do some poetry. (Have you read any of my other #HiveBloPoMo posts this month? If so, you'll know all about Low-ku! If not, that's okay, too. I'm just happy you came to visit this time!) Ready?


Underneath the bed
Slobbering a little bit
Hope we can be friends

When I was younger and watched movies like Fright Night or The Lost Boys or any monster movie where the creatures where intelligent, I always wondered why the "kids" in the film didn't try to make friends with the monsters!? The guy in Fright Night seemed pretty funny, to me! (Maybe I'm just immoral. Probably...)

SO... That's it for tonight! Hope you folks had a bit of fun! Six days left in the November Hive Blog Post Month challenge. Still rolling along! (Tomorrow is gonna be tough, what with the whole---gotta spend time with family thing. We'll see if I can save enough braincells to do a new poem tomorrow night. The suspense!!!!)

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


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