Fan-Art Drawing of Splinterlands Game Character - BLACKMOOR NYMPH.

in Alien Art Hive3 months ago

Hello, My Dear Friends on Hive.

Feels good to be here among you all again. I'm here again to share a fan art of SPLINTERLANDS. It's a digital drawing made with the theme of a monster from SPLINTERLANDS called Blackmoor Nymph. I made this drawing using the software called Anydesk Sketchbook app on my phone. This drawing is specifically to join the Weekly Art Contest arranged by @splinterlands. I'll share it step by step below. I hope you will like it. I'll use the original image below to reference the character I'm making a fan-art of.


Contest Link:

  • Step:-1


The first step to my drawing was to draw the sketch. Drawing the structure is the most crucial part of a drawing. The whole thing depends on it. I first sketched the primary structure of her body using a 2B pencil. I also added other necessary parts such as her hair, eyes, cloth shapes and other details as such in this step. I kept it very simple with free stroke and then used a 4B pencil to make a few parts of blood so that I could make the curves more visible.





  • Step:-2

Primary Colouring

In this part, the colouring process began. I used the fill tool from the app to put a primary colour on his skin. This tool helps the creator to put a specific color to a specific area surrounded by a borderline which the creator can also choose. That way you don't have to worry about the colors leaking or going over the borderline.


  • Step:-3


This is the step where I finalise the tone of my primary colour to visualize the shades and curves of my drawing. I began with her facial area including her eyes and the glowing stone on her forehead. It took me a while to complete the drawing of her eyes. I added multiple colour layers, both deep and light versions of the primary colour and added some smooth white strokes using the spray brush tool from the app to draw her glowing smooth skin texture. I hope it looks good.



Then I did the same with her body parts. And to finish the process and to make it look clear I erased the unnecessary strokes and now we have a clean and slim body.

  • Step:-4


In this process, I started drawing her dress. I began by drawing her tops and then her skirt. After drawing the primary colors and the shapes, it's now time to draw the details. For that, I used strokes of deep colours first and then overlayed them with almost whitelike colour strokes to create the beautiful lines you see. And I did something similar to draw the leaves on her skirt. I also began the process of drawing her hair on the last step.



  • Step:-5

Background and Small Details

In this step, I added a background to the drawing. It's a non-copyright image that I got from the drawing app. There's a lot of them for the creators to use. Then I put some other colours to the hair part as the primary image. I know it's looking like a mess, but it's about to turn beautiful just now.


With some light green strokes, the hairs are complete now. I added some more strokes with a pen to put details of hair on the edges and make it look realistic. I also drew her earrings in this step.




I hope you liked my work. You can visit @splinterlands's profile and check out this amazing contest and many more. And thanks a lot for visiting my blog.


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