Fan-Art Drawing of Splinterlands Game Character - LUNAKARI MISTRESS.

in Alien Art Hive2 months ago (edited)

Hello, My Dear Friends on Hive.

Feels good to be here among you all again. I'm here again to share a fan art of SPLINTERLANDS. It's a digital drawing made with the theme of a monster from SPLINTERLANDS called Lunakari Mistress. I made this drawing using the software called Anydesk Sketchbook app on my phone. This drawing is specifically to join the Weekly Art Contest arranged by @splinterlands. I'll share it step by step below. I hope you will like it. I'll use the original image below to reference the character I'm making a fan-art of.

Reference Image


  • Step:-1


The first step to my drawing was to draw the sketch. Drawing the structure is the most crucial part of a drawing. The whole thing depends on it. I first sketched the primary structure of her body using a 2B pencil. And then I drew her dress, hair, breasts, eyes, ears and other facial details. I used an HB pencil to visualize the details in some parts.


  • Step:-2

Primary Colouring

In this part, the colouring process began. I used the fill tool from the app to put a primary colour on his skin. This tool helps the creator to put a specific color to a specific area surrounded by a borderline which the creator can also choose. That way you don't have to worry about the colors leaking or going over the borderline. As you can see I coloured her skin pats specifically using this tool and this is what makes it so useful.


Then I also added this reddish shade on her face using the spray brush tool.


  • Step:-3


This is the step where I finalise the tone of my primary colour to visualize the shades and curves of my drawing. I began with her facial area including her eyes. Working on her eyes took me quite a while. I also did the shading part of her body skin. I first added a smooth colour to her skin and then used the spray brush tool by reducing the size to draw some deeper colour lines to draw the curves of her breasts.



  • Step:-4


In this step, I coloured her hair area and did the detailing part too. I started by drawing green lines following the sketched area. The hair was overlapping her body area but I wanted her hair behind her body. And for that, I didn't have to work much and this is the reason I use separate colour layers for every single part. I just had to switch the layers. Then I used a brush to smoothen and fill in the colour points. And after that, I used a pen finally to draw the thin strokes to draw the hair details and make them look realistic.



  • Step:-5

Dress & Decoration

Then in this part, I first drew her dress. To do it I filled her dress area with an off-white colour layer and then used a smooth oil brush to draw the curves and shades of her dress. Then I started to draw her necklace and earrings. It was a complex design and took me a while to draw all these small details.


Final Image With Background: Lunakari Mistress

In this step, I added a background to the drawing and did some colour enhancement in the shades too. I hope you like the new version of my Lunakari Mistress.

I hope you like my work. You can visit @splinterlands's profile and check out this amazing contest and many more. And thanks a lot for visiting my blog.


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