
Awesome work my friend! What happened to the She Is Here track? That was/is on of my favs. I went to listen to it after this new one and i couldn't find it on youtube or soundcloud.

Thanks bro, unfortunately the track had to be removed from soundcloud because it was the full version and the distributor asked to remove it from public access. I can send it to you in a private message if you wish. The track will soon appear on digital platforms while preparations for release are underway.

P.S Also, in some cases I have to delete tracks from soundcloud because space is limited and I don’t have a PRO subscription. If possible, I will publish all my tracks on YouTube since the space there is unlimited.

Damn! That's awesome to hear about the release. Of course, i would love to get a personal copy of the file if you don't mind. I appreciate you getting back to me so quickly too. Looks like things are moving in a good direction. Congrats