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RE: My brief experience with MindsEye AI Part 1: BOB ROSS JELLO

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago

Hello @juliakponsford. Looks appetizing and quite surreal. Didn't know such things existed. Probably such a generator is a fascinating thing, I hope the prices of such a democratic. I heard about some similar image generator from my friend a couple of years ago, but I don’t remember what it was called :( I remember that he created quite psychedelic interesting things there, maybe you know what this generator is called!?

 2 years ago  

could have maybe been deep dream? that's been around for a while, you feed it an image and can choose a preset style or add your own image style:

if you want to pay for it in order to get high res images, then there is this - but if you are familiar with Deep Dream and have already a good collection of styles (of your own) on the free plan, you could just switch to a paid plan on Deep Dream. It is by far the longest established, and I've been on it since the very beginning, when all there was was the Deep Style. They came a long way since then.