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RE: Did I just sell out?

I’ve never been as interested in learning how to create beautiful imagery compared to music or writing, so the technology is like a godsend for me! People respond to images more than anything, especially now being on their screens so much, so it really helps for hive posts, but I still pay artists for my book covers, not only to support them but also because the collaborative part is really fun for me, and also the process of selecting an artist, I take it really seriously and, thinking about it over the months that I’m writing.

I saw a fairy in a park in Hong Kong at 3 am once. It took my groggy mind a minute to realize it was just a piece of cotton in the wind, but my immediate thought was “why can’t it be both!”

You found a magical spot and made it more magical 😆


I totally get that, I am not great at painting but I admire those that do. Digital stuff I'm still learning and don't get much time to play with it but when I do, I enjoy it immensely. It's cool that you look for art for your books and support artists that way.

Hey, you never know right? I've never seen one but it would be cool to.

Thanks, I like the way it turned out too.

Have a rad day and thanks for stopping by 😁