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RE: TANGLED | Work In Progress | First artwork sold on NFT Showroom

Good work! I was always interested in drawing tablets but I haven't been making very much art at all these days... I've chosen to build this community thing we're doing but I always have art studios in mind to build at some point.

I'm intrigued by this NFT showroom now...


Thanks :) I'm happy with the learning I'm doing these days, even though things still go wrong while drawing, I manage to correct it quickly so quite confident this will be one I love once it's done.

But does it mean you've created art in the past? And if so, do you have some posts with it? Would love to see it if so :)

I have always been creating things, when I was a child as well, my daughter is the same btw :) she can turn nothing into something. I foresee doing some artworks together with her as well, would be cool.. Years ago, both my boyfriend and I were interested in art dealing, went into the huge world of art history online. Months in a row, very interesting and I know that there is so much beauty out there, we auctioned some stuff as well. I always thought we'd go back to that one day, but never thought online artworks would be a thing in the future. So cool!

It's really interesting and I'm determined to create cool stuff. So let's hope my tablet and I will become close friends :) haha

Oh geese.. I didn't see that reply...! Lately I haven't done too much in the art world, I am mostly turning to making food, growing it and finding it in the wild. I would love to start making natural buildings and that's kind of like scultping I guess...

Here are a couple of my pieces from the past:

I have to get back into it!