A Bubbly Tree Tuesday

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago (edited)

Here is a strange bubbly #treetuesday collage
Someone accidentally brushed up against some ergot and now sees the plain winter landscape in a different light.

Ergot is one helluva fungi. At least this time it is not causing another witch trial or hallucinations of elves and fairies.

Eventually night fell and there was just the ocular disturbance left on the eyelids of the tripper.

The next morning the sky looked like this from heavy eyelids.

Eventually the hallucinogenic compounds in the fungi wore off and the sky turned back to a normal wispy morning blue.

The old tree is back to normal proportions and the zany colors are no longer spinning around it.

Reality is much more clear now and everything is calm and peaceful again.

Now it is back home along the dreary path while a cold winter storm rolls in.

Now all the color is muted against a drab colorless dusting of snow.

Happy #treetuesday


Beautiful… love the bubbles and all it’s crazy colours hahaha 🤣
The last photo is so serene… the snow, bench on the lake. Lovely.
Such a difference a night / day can make… 😉

The snow/bench photo was a strange scenario last April and the trees were staring to bloom all of a sudden it snowed everywhere to cover up the start of spring.

Really… wow, indeed a strange scenario.

Winter wasn't done with us yet that year lol.

Yes, it looked like that 😊☃️❄️

Yay! 🤗
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Pretty cool sequence! Takes a person on a journey the way you've created this. I really like the tree in a bubble, all those colours. There's also a feeling of an eye suggested right up to when things return to normal. Ergot, lol!

I've only found ergot once in the wild, I made sure not to touch it lol.

LOL! I thought so! I know enough to know that I never want to come in contact with it.

I love trees in bubbles. Like on that movie the Fountain. This one turned out really cool. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks :-) I just sort of zone out seeing how all the images might fit together until something starts meshing together.

Nothing like being in the zone! hahaha

Its the best to align your mind in a flow state.

Hello @sketch.and.jam. Lovely landscape photos. I love the snow and trees. Lovely transformation combining the trees in the light.

Thanks for sharing. Take care.

The tree snow picture was strange because that happened right when the trees were starting to bloom in spring. A freak snow storm covered everything.

Beautiful bubble tree on tuesday