Lost Again – A Synthwave Instrumental for #trippythursday

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This poor guy got lost in a maze again. Just when the route looks clear the maze shifts. Now he is stuck in one place and will have to create an advanced algorithm in his mind to be able to time the changes in the maze. Unfortunately, he failed his math classes and forgets the order of operation for the algorithm. His new tactic is to just wait it out until the walls of the maze crumble. The only problem with this plan is that once he gets out there will be another maze that will spring up. Moral of the story don’t fall asleep during math class…

The video was created in 3ds Max and Vray. Music was made in MPC and mixed in Cakewalk.

That’s all for now, thanks for looking :-)

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I will undeniably think of the new series Svart materia, which has just started!
Mazes are always exciting, the music is great!

I'll have to look up Svart materia. I might test out vray grass and do a hedge maze next. Thanks for listening to my music :-)

Wow it gave me goose bumps!

Thanks for listening, I found a decent synth that uses vocal samples that helps a bit with the goosebumpe :-)

You know that art is about moods. Both the one who offers it and the one who receives it.



Funny thing about this song, I composed most of it while delayed at an airport for 3hrs. Stuck in a terminal with a bunch of people. Thankfully I put the time to use as I had my laptop and keyboard.

Moral of the story don’t fall asleep during math class…

What? you mean algorithms have real application? I thought you just studied them for your Google interview lol

Fun tune 👍

My daughter dug out my old graphing calculator from the closet. I better start relearning that stuff to try and teach her how to use the buttons correctly. I have her counting her toys as she puts them away so hopefully she can learn algorithms lol.
