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D*rn, You are DARK! :)
Like the track, for sure.

@edje Aye, welcome back to my humble blog!

D*rn, You are DARK! :)

"True Darkness Lies in The Little Things"... I love your footer :)

Like the track, for sure.

I truly appreciate that, I was just messing around but, I'm trying to improve my skills and practice more 'fore I publish something serious (Distribution, Promos, EPs... etc)

Big fat much love, friend :) 🎼❤️

Hahahahaha "True Darkness Lies in The Little Things" Guess next to 'Happiness' also the 'Darkness' hahaha

@edje BTW how do you leave your footer in comments/posts?... Sorry, too lazy to look through the page source 😄

Its an image.

If @edje gave a comment and you are a terminaler too, i have to go and listen and come here to comment and vote.

I hope you liked it?

BTW, are you KittyGirl on Terminal Discord?

No I am one of the other founders on terminal yoda Britt 😉

Right, see you there ;-) x

Oh this is cool...keep going on sharing!!

I will, working on other tracks at the moment, thanks :)
You can listen to (HQ-Stress & Ship Ship Duck) though, here: Original-Music-Tracks