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RE: Long Overdue

in Alien Art Hive5 months ago

Remember I am always there, lurking about... < creepy noises >

chaos vs. peace

I like the moment when silhouettes or shapes emerge from the chaos, when there are no obvious connections at the beginning - they just slowly outline themselves over time:)


The search for balance and harmony in life is probably a process that doesn't really have an end. I have to be ever vigilant not to squander those few moments when I can just take a deep breath and be myself for a change.

Juggling would probably be the best metaphor - but juggling hot coals would probably be the closest to what I feel on a daily basis. When I do something just for myself I very quickly get caught up in remorse and the feeling that it's pure selfishness from my part.

I am my worst enemy unfortunately.

Interesting: resignation - submission - contemplation

You inspire me greatly! New idea is brooding in my head, thanks to you:)
So glad you've find some time not only to read all of that but leave me a few('few' ha!!) words. Really appreciate that!
