#43 Prince Julian - Splinterlands Art Contest (ENG/ DE)

in Alien Art Hive8 months ago

Hello dear Alien 👽 crew, Splinterlands Fans 'n' Gamers and Hive community,

Well, dear ones? Did you have a nice 1st Advent? Yes, the Christmas season is approaching. Brrrrr... And the cold and darkness are omnipresent. But enough whining about the weather.

Today I'm taking part in the weekly splinterlands art contest with my interpretation of "Prince Julian". However, an aged Prince Julian and not a baby anymore... 😅😂

Yes, time leaves its mark on all of us. I thought it would be kind of funny to show the sweet prince getting a bit out of shape or "fluffy". What do you think?

thumbnail prince julian.jpg

Hallo liebe Alien 👽 crew, Splinterlands Fan's & Spieler und Hive Gemeinde,

Na ihr Lieben? Hattet ihr einen schönen 1. Advent? Jaja, die Weihnachtszeit naht. Brrrr... Und Kälte sowie Dunkelheit sind auch allgegenwärtig. Doch nun genug über das Wetter gejammert.

Heute nehme ich am wöchentlichen splinterlands art contest mit meiner Interpretation von "Prince Julian" teil. Jedoch ein gealterter Prinz Julian und. Kein Baby mehr... 😅😂

Jaja, die Zeit hinterlässt ihr Spuren an jedem von uns. Ich dachte mir, es wäre doch irgendwie lustig, wenn man den süßen Prinzen mal in die Jahre gekommen und etwas aus der Form bzw. "fluffy" zeigt. Was meint ihr?

the Progress.png

splinterlands fanart prince julian 1.jpg

The sketch took me hours... Here the best off of my first lines.

splinterlands fanart prince julian 2.jpg

I mostly use gray first. When I am on fine-tuning my sketch, I switch to black line.

splinterlands fanart prince julian 3.jpg

This time my focus was on thick and thin lines.

splinterlands fanart prince julian 4.jpg

The coloring of my fanart was going faster. I used the filling tool.
splinterlands fanart prince julian 5.jpg

The ending took a bit time again because I was playing with the light tools and softener.

splinterlands fanart prince julian 6.jpg

One step left to finish.

finished Fanart/ fertige Fanart

splinterlands fanart prince julian.png

And here he is... Years and centuries later...Prince Julian aged but still has his Soother... Hehe...
A fluffy Prince he is. What you think of my idea and variation of him?

original Images/ original Bilder:

Prince Julian.png

Source of the reference image:/ Quelle des Referenzbildes:

Contest announcement

Source of the weekly Splinterlands Art Contest/ Quelle des wöchentlichen Splinterlands Art Contest:

allgemeine Infos/ general info:

  • digitale Zeichnung/ digital drawing
  • erstellt auf meinem Huawei Matepad 10.4/ created on my Huawei Matepad 10.4
  • verwendete Anwendung war die Applikation "Ibispaint X" / the App I used was "Ibispaint X"
  • Dauer der Fertigstellung ~ 3 Stunden 24 Minuten/ duration of completion ~ 3 hours 24 minutes

last words

To translate 1-1 my german native I used deepl.com. After I edited and corrected some parts because deepl.com couldn't translate all slang words perfectly. Just wanted to make this clear too.

I'm looking forward to read your opinion and have a nice week everyone. See you soon.

Ich bin auf eure Meinung gespannt und eine schöne Woche allen noch. Ich lese euch ganz bald wieder. Bis dahin, Baba.

Your / Eure


Friend, you did an amazing job, I loved the detail of your process and the lines of your drawing! Best of luck in this round 😍.

Thank you my friend. 😘 I appreciate your words. Have a good day. 🤙🏼

Thank you my friend. 😘 I appreciate your words. Have a good day. 🤙🏼

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I loved how old Prince Julian turned out, the pacifier thing was the best hahaha. I really liked the colors and the brightness in the design. Congratulations. Greetings