#62 Naga Warrior Portrait - Splinterlands Art Contest (ENG/ DE)

Hello dear Hive Alien Art Crew, Hive Community and Splinterlands Fans,

Well, dear ones, have a wonderful one. This week I would like to take part in the contest with my interpretation or variation of the Splinterlands character "Naga Warrior".

While researching I read that Naga is an Indian word for snake and has a mythical origin there.
Very interesting. Well, I wanted to keep a mysterious look, whether I succeeded a little is in the eye of the beholder. 🙃 Let me know what you think.

Thanks again for your support dear Splinterlands crew.

splinterlands fanart Naga Warrior thumbnail.jpg

Hallöchen liebe Alien Art Crew, Hive Gemeinde und Splinterlands Fans,

Na ihr lieben, einen wunderschönen wünsche ich euch. Diese Woche möchte ich mit meiner Interpretation bzw. Variation von dem Splinterlands Charakter "Naga Warrior" am Contest teilnehmen.

Ich habe beim recherchieren gelesen, dass Naga ein Indisches Wort für Schlange ist und einen mythischen Ursprung dort hat.
Sehr interessant. Nun ja, ich wollte einen entsprechenden mysteriösen Look beibehalten, ob mir dieses ein wenig gelungen ist, liegt im Auge des Betrachters. 🙃 Sagt mir gerne was ihr davon haltet.

Ach ja, nochmal vielen Dank liebes Splinterlands Team für den herzlichen Support.

the Progress.png

splinterlands fanart Naga Warrior 1.jpg

Started with sketching, after worked on finer lines and started coloring.

splinterlands fanart Naga Warrior 2.jpg

So colored all parts simple by using the filling tool. Next step was to bring more "life" into it and work on some details.

splinterlands fanart Naga Warrior 3.jpg

Slowly slowly worked oit part for part... Added more details, delated some drawing mistakes. And so on. Because it is still a naga, a snake, she needs some tooth like a vampire. 😅

splinterlands fanart Naga Warrior 4.jpg

At this point I thought I was ready and playing around with some light variations BUT I missed some detail...

splinterlands fanart Naga Warrior close to finish.jpg

The yellow eyes...

splinterlands fanart Naga Warrior 5.jpg

So the last finishing now...

finished Fanart/ fertige Fanart

splinterlands fanart Naga Warrior.png

So, this week I have chosen to draw a portrait. One in my style, but I kept some Naga Warrior details like the yellow eyes, the weapons and tail. What you think?

original Images/ original Bilder:

Naga_Warrior (1).png

Source of the reference image:/ Quelle des Referenzbildes:

Contest announcement

Source of the weekly Splinterlands Art Contest/ Quelle des wöchentlichen Splinterlands Art Contest:

allgemeine Infos/ general info:

  • digitale Zeichnung/ digital drawing
  • erstellt auf meinem Huawei Matepad 10.4/ created on my Huawei Matepad 10.4
  • verwendete Anwendung war die Applikation "Ibispaint X" / the App I used was "Ibispaint X"
  • Dauer der Fertigstellung ~ 6 Stunden 34 Minuten/ duration of completion ~ 6 hours 34 minutes

last words

To translate some of my german native words I used deepl.com. After I edited and corrected some parts because deepl.com couldn't translate all slang words perfectly. Just wanted to make this clear too.

I'm looking forward to read your opinion and have a nice week everyone. See you soon.

Ich bin auf eure Meinung gespannt und eine schöne Woche allen noch. Ich lese euch ganz bald wieder. Bis dahin, Baba.

Your / Eure


Thank you 🙃 for your support

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