Jujutsu Kaisen Fanart #10: Gojo in Action (EN/ DE)

Hello dear Hive people, lovely Aliens and JJK Fans,

Today I'm devoting myself to my favorite character Gojo Satoru again. Rumor has it that he's not dead and will be back... At least as far as I know. In this euphoria that it will hopefully continue soon with Jujutsu Kaisen I have drawn another interpretation and fanart of this anime or manga character today.

Which is your favorite anime?

jjk fanart gojo thumbnail.jpg

Hallo werte Hive-Community, Alien Art Crew und JJK Fans,

Heute widme ich mich wieder meinem Lieblingscharakter Gojo Satoru. Man munkelt ja, er sei nicht tot und würde wiederkommen... Soweit ich weiß zumindest. In dieser Euphorie das es hoffentlich bald weitergeht mit Jujutsu Kaisen habe ich heute eine andere Interpretation und Fanart von diesem Anime bzw. Manga Charakter gezeichnet.

Welches ist euer Favorit unter den Animes?

the Progress.png

jjk fanart gojo 1.jpg

First the sketch of him, Gojo.
After coloring a bit.

jjk fanart gojo 2.jpg

Yeah, you see right. This time I have chosen another color as background. 😆 Not black like always. Hehehe

Some details added.

jjk fanart gojo 3.jpg

And know show your power Gojoooo.
Hehehe, what you think? Like it a bit?

jjk fanart gojo 1 step before finishing.png

Last steps before its ready and I am finishing my today's Gojo Fanart...

And here is my finished drawing.

und hier meine fertige Zeichnung.

jjk fanart gojo.png

the sources (Google)

die Google Vorlagen


Here a screenshot of some google foundings and Gojo Impressions which were my source.


allgemeine Infos/ general info:

  • digitale Zeichnung/ digital drawing
  • erstellt auf meinem Huawei Matepad 10.4/ created on my Huawei Matepad 10.4
  • verwendete Anwendung war die Applikation "Ibispaint X" / the App I used was "Ibispaint X"
  • Dauer der Fertigstellung 1 Stunden 56 Minuten / duration of completion 1 hours 56 minutes
  • Picsart App for Android to make the collages and thumbnail

Eure / your