
Bom dia, Tudo bem dear friend? All good? Plural guys? Maybe I need coffee first to understand right... I am one single person, damn da vinci and dali are not with me... Lmao... 😅🎨💯💃✨

Nonono, that shit in Qatar i don't support at all!!!! I support humans rights and women rights.... Not that...💕💃💕🙏🏼💯✨And i don't like soccer at all. All the men running behind a ball... Dont know what should be cool on that. Hahahahaha. 😅☺️😉

But have fun by creating all the creative stuff. Sooo many will join in for sure. Hive hugs to ya dear friend. Read you later.... Neeeed coffeee first.

hehe I know that you are one single person, when we say guys it refers to you in general...
Confusing huh!
hehe well women do run behind the ball too!
Yes the rights of all humans should be respected everywhere and yes Qatar is not the best at that!

Aaaw, ok. Good to know.
Also in the morning - without coffee - I don't understand it, at this time I even don't understand my native language lmao... At this time I am in a kind of zombie mode... 😂😂😂🤣😜 Yeah, I know that women play soccer too. I am just not a soccer fan. Hm, I think I don't like any ball games aka sports. Maybe maybe basketball. I was playing a bit when I was younger.

You knooow I am more this boring art person going to museums and nature... 😂😂😂🎨Drawing all day and watching the ocean, movies and comics. Hahahahahaha.

But i know, all others will join in so you guys will have a loooooot people in. 🤗💕✨💯💃🎉

Baking time now... Brownies... Have a great evening and sleep well later. Read yooouuuu sooooooon.

Baking time now... Brownies

okay I have been waiting long enough, where is my one!

Yes I know the feeling, coffee is a must for me too when I wake, I need it to get my head moving!


Here is yooouuuuurs mate 😜🤗✨👍🏼💃

Hope you have a great Saturday.

hehe funnily enough this was on Tuesday ...