Been doing some work out in the tent.

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago (edited)


It has been too hot to be outside during the day, so I sneak out to my art studio in the mornings and early evenings to work.



It is nice out there at night, so it can make it easier to focus. Not so easy to get pictures though so I took a few this morning.
Below are some of my paintings; the two watercolors I have been working on for years in a hemp pad that magically doesn't buckle. They are loosely part of a story that I was working on, but it got a bit too dark.



This is an acrylic I just started. I might make it into a collage/assemblage.

Here are a few of my collage/assemblages that I am working on.

This first piece is a reflection on industry and authority.


This next piece I created in a meat tray during the height of the pandemic. I felt trapped and scared. I finished it, with a very different design after suffering from covid and having pain for months after. I felt like death walking.

This next work was torn open a while ago and I am changing it.


I am thinking on making a series in a style similar to my "Library" piece.


If you want to support my work you can purchase an NFT of this piece on Makersplace
I am featured this month on their "Overturned" exhibit and I minted their first NFT So who knows, it might be worth money one day.

I am also being featured on the front page of Spatial this week if you want to check out my work in an online gallery.

You do not need an account to view it on a computer, but you can view it in VR and on your phone if you sign up and download the application. You can also set up your own exhibition for free right now, so it might prove worth it for you.

Thank you if you have read this far. I hope everyone is doing ok in the heat out there. Remember that your body has to cool off to recover, so take cold showers and spend time somewhere cool if you do not have AC.

Stay safe everyone, Twirbs.


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Thank you!

love your work!