Cosmic creation --- 2 Face self portrait

in Alien Art Hive9 months ago


It was a wonderful sunny day today as i made a drawing for the cosmic creation contest titled self portrait. I've been having some self reflection on what i should draw and i came up with a two face image. This image explains the things I've seen and been through. We all have our good and bad side, or nice and worst times. So this drawing actually show that we all have our demons, so i made a rough sketch of the intended image. The sketch was kind of sketchy and manu things felt out of place but this was how i want to express my art. The sketch was done with a 2B pencil the i used a black pen to do make the main drawing, using hatching technique. I reallly appreciate you all for reading my post see you next time.









Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much for your support

 9 months ago  

Very dark, thanks for joining!

Thanks for having me.

I love this. Very nice concept.

Thank you so much

You are welcome

This drawing is fantastic ❤️💯

Thank you so much

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