URBEX - Freestyle Photography newly minted OBJKT on hic et nunc - just for 0.1 TEZ !!!!

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago

Yes, this newly minted piece of ART I listed just for 0.1 each OBJCT
The series of distorted night street moments photographed with the regular full-frame digital body and the very special Lensbaby Composer tilt-shift 50mm lens helps me to rise my creative process of taking images. The real hand-crafted ART is suitable for every NFT collection.

This technique of photography is a kinda meditation for me. Just to go to the dark night streets and to find spots of the light.


Some more bokeh and blurred moments and urban night scenes in color and black'n'white.



Great image. I did not know about that site.

Thank you.
there are many. but this one is somehow is more simple in terms of its look.
As well many photographers are using HEN

I'm a sucker for urban night scenes! Hello, Victor!

Hello Denise.
it's my favorite kind of time-spending - walking down night streets. sometimes taking photos but mostly exploring. morning here!

Working. 1am dinner break! :))

Bon appetite and nice work 💗💗

Thank you! Have a great day!