Eyeing For Halloween

in Alien Art Hive8 months ago


Halloween Candy

On Halloween night, I went trick-or-treating
With a bag full of candy, I was happily eating
But then I saw something that made me shiver
A bag of eyeballs, glistening and staring at me with a glimmer

They looked so real, so photorealistic
Like they were plucked from someone’s face, so sadistic
They had different colors, purples, greens and oranges
And they seemed to follow me, with their piercing gazes

I dropped my candy and ran away, screaming in fear
But the eyeballs followed me, rolling and bouncing near
I realized too late, they were not candy at all
But a prank from my neighbor, who had a wicked sense of humor

He laughed and said, “Happy Halloween, don’t be such a baby”
“It’s just a bag of gummy eyes, they’re harmless and tasty”
He offered me some, but I refused with disgust
I learned my lesson well, never trust Halloween candy from strangers.