Cloaked - by WitherBloom

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago

Hey peeps - i see alot of amazing work in here so i thought id show up and share some of my own - i am new to this platform :)

I made this piece a long time ago - a mixture of Photography, Digital painting, Fractal art and heavy manipulation.

I am an NFT artist that has recently quit his day job to create full time - looking for fellow creators and communities to connect with!



Hey man!
Very big warm welcome on the blockchain! :)

nice Art! I like it ;]

@tipu curate

thank you :) looking forward to sharing more! just woke up here in australia and had all these ideas of how i can interact with this community

Hello Friend, Wellcome. This image is great, the color mix is ​​very psychedelic. Good for you, for dedicating yourself to what you like. Congratulations.

thanks! yeah i often get the psychedelic feels when im working, sometimes i try to keep it inline but i find it extremely hard to create digital art without it turning into some strange otherworldly piece

Sick piece bro!

my bro!!! this place is crazy, i have just been browsing all of the channels and communities... how did i not know?????

Welcome to Hive and to the Alien Art Community! Nice artwork and thanks for sharing. Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff. Don't forget to engage in your comments as that is the best way to connect with fellow artists and communities.

Hey thanks a bunch for the tip!! really helps alot honestly, i wouldnt have found this place without help and i feel like id need extremely good luck to find my way alone

You are very welcome. Keeping up with comments can be challenging at times but it's also very rewarding (and i don't mean with a payout although that can be true too!) I have been leaving some info for newer users. I saw that you had already made an intro post which is great and lovesniper has already got to you.

I'm not sure if it's the same links but here is some help getting caught up to speed...
Here are a couple links to some old posts that i rounded up for you to check out.

3 things Newbies should do in their first week on Hive

My Personal Choice of Formatting Techniques

So What’s The Criteria For A Quality Post? - How Curators Make Their Selections...

Hopefully, this isn't information overload!

no im not at al overloaded and i really appreciate it! today is my "lets figure this thing out" day - its 8am here in australia, coffee in hand and these articles are about to be read!!!!

Welcome! This looks really good :)

thanks for the welcome @lavista - yeah its one of my favourite pieces

Fantastic one witherbloom!!!

yewww thanks a bunch!