The Creative Process Behind "The Chromatic Explosion of a Surrealist Perro"

in Alien Art Hivelast year

👋 Creating a painting without a preconceived idea can seem daunting at first. But, for me, it's all part of the process. In this article, we will take a closer look at the creative journey that led to the creation of a maximalist glitch painting of an anthropomorphic dog.

Step 1: Playing with Abstracticity

The first step in this process was to launch paint (can be wherever) onto the cardboard without any idea in mind. I Just played with abstracticity, allowing the paint to dry for several days before observing it at different times of the day and in various situations. This period of observation could last anywhere from two to three days until a shape, figure, or character emerged from your mind.


Step 2: Bringing Form to the Painting

After observing the dried paint, I used markers, crayons, or pencils to bring form to the shape that I had observed. In this case, it was a dog with anthropomorphic rasgos.

IMG_0457 ghcopy.jpg

Step 3: Capturing the Idea

Once the idea had been fully formed, I took a photograph of the painting using a camera or smartphone.

Step 4: Adding Glitch Effects and more lines with Photoshop

the next step was to use Photoshop to add more details and lines to the painting. With the help of a Wacom tablet, I added saturation, and framing.


Step 5: Playing with Photomosh

then I utilized Photomosh to experiment with different glitch effects, saving the ones I liked the most.

Captura de pantalla 2023-05-04 a la(s) 16.10.01.png

Captura de pantalla 2023-05-04 a la(s) 16.24.41.png

Step 6: Mixing Layers with Photoshop

With the selected glitch effects in hand, I began to mix each of the layers, combining Photomosh glitches and creating squares by deleting and adding elements using the selection tool in Photoshop. I also played with overlay and other effects to create a unique composition.

Step 7: The Final Result

After all of these steps were completed, the final result was this maximalist glitch painting of an anthropomorphic dog. The painting is a unique combination of abstracticity, form, and digital manipulation.

In conclusion, creating a maximalist glitch painting requires patience, creativity, and an opn mind. If you're interested in trying out this style of painting, don't be afraid to let your creativity flow and play. You never know what might emerge from your canvas! For me this process was also a form of therapy. It allowed them to access my creative flow and explore the depths of my imagination. By letting go of preconceived ideas and allowing the painting to develop organically, they were able to create something truly remarkable.

"The Chromatic Explosion of a Surrealist Perro".jpg

And now, this piece of artwork is available for sale Price:
13.00 ꜩ$12.93
Buy now
9 Editions

So, if you're looking for a unique piece of artwork look no further than this maximalist glitch painting. Don't miss your chance to own a piece of art that is truly extraordinary!

....Yusaymon ✍️


It looks really nice, a bit horrifying & demonic but kind of alive & imaginary.

:) Thank u

 last year  

I always love seeing your process Yu!

Ty Ty Ty!!!!! I will be here for a while, I love to see you around too!! I always love to see you in action too <3 🐇🕳️


Is this your own Painting? I mean
Are you an Artist?

Of course is my painting.