Human or machine

in Alien Art Hive2 months ago

I was inspired by this week’s featured art from @francescomai and decided to create my own prompt with a little futuristic twist. I think it turned out pretty well, and the name of this post aptly describes those results. Here are some results I obtained and fine-tuned.

Result 1 - Mechanical Reverie


Stable Diffusion SDXL 1.0
Steps: 25
CFG: 5.0
Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras

In “Mechanical Reverie” a mysterious figure emerges from the shadows, their face obscured by intricate metallic adornments. Gears, tubes, and polished surfaces intertwine, creating a fusion of steampunk and cyberpunk aesthetics. The enigmatic persona seems to exist at the intersection of past and future, inviting viewers to contemplate the delicate balance between humanity and machinery.

Result 2 - Cybernetic Enigma


Stable Diffusion SDXL 1.0
Steps: 25
CFG: 5.0
Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras

In “Cybernetic Enigma” an enigmatic silhouette emerges from the digital haze. Their face, veiled by intricate machinery, remains a mystery. Wires and circuits intertwine, blurring the boundary between flesh and technology. Is this a glimpse of humanity’s evolution or a cautionary tale of what lies ahead? The answer awaits those who dare to decode the binary whispers.

Result 3 - The Mechanized Muse


Stable Diffusion SDXL 1.0
Steps: 25
CFG: 5.0
Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras

In “The Mechanized Muse” a mysterious blend of human and machine emerges. The subject wears an intricate exoskeleton of gears, wires, and polished metal. Their face remains veiled, a secret locked within the mechanical enigma. Is this a glimpse of our future or a reflection of our past? The answer lies in the delicate dance between biology and technology.

Art is made with AI. Stable Diffusion SDXL1.0. I also got some help with the text from AI because my English is not so fluent, and I wanted to make this post as readable as possible.