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RE: LUV breakdown

I don't know if this would be helpful or not, but I run my Hive bots on a raspberry pi 4 that sits on my desk and runs 24/7. I write the bots in js inside an HTML file and then bring that up in a browser. Might be a good backup for your bot. I see yours is running Python but you could run that as well on a pi.

I like the pi because I don't have to pay monthly for a server and it runs on very low electricity, and in the event of a power glitch or failure it is plugged into a low cost Uninterruptable Power Supply / Battery Backup. And any keys in the code are not online anywhere or in a server out of my physical control.

Anyway, best wishes with the bot breakdown and I hope you can get it going again. If I can do anything to help, let me know and I'll see what I can do.


This is intriguing. I've never played with a raspberry pi but this makes me want to. 😫

Want to play with sum rasberry pi sumtime too. Best with getting both bots going again!

The pi computers run a version of Linux. If you like Windows better, I bought an amazingly cheap but fairly powerful low power Windows 11 computer for $150 recently which is not much more money than the pi and doesn't use that much more electricity either. You can also run that 24/7.

My post on that computer:

Give it a try, got my bots running on a raspberry, too

Thank you for your reply. May like to try this idea in the future myself.