Spokane's Counter Economy Exchange Happening Again! 9/11/21

in Agora3 years ago

The exchange is back

Good afternoon fellow freedom fighters! I hope you are enjoying the day and if you are in the Spokane area I would like to invite you to join us this Saturday for the Agorist Counter Economy Exchange. Details are on the attached poster, but I'll include them here as well.
Follow Spokane's Freedom Exchange on Instagram

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The exchange takes place this Saturday, 9/11/21 and every other Saturday from 9:30-11:30am. We set up at Franklin Park in Spokane, WA near the parking lot off of Queen Ave. not too far from the playground area. For more information you can email the exchange - [email protected]

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Please come join us! We don't follow the King's mandates but instead encourage individuals building connections within the community while not violating the non aggression principle. We encourage bartering, trading, using gold/silver and other precious metals or cryptocurrency. If you still use fiat currency for the majority of your transactions we encourage the use gifting. Now matter how you acquire your goods we'd love to see your smiling faces and won't ask about your vaccine status or a mask.

Official freedom exchange logo.jpg