How can we be more effective?

in Justice League4 years ago

Good morning awesome people!

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Do you believe action = results or do you think direction is also important?
What happens when we're running in the wrong direction?

Do you believe persisting in an approach is more important than thinking our approach or do you think thinking our approach matters?
What happens when we persist in a wrong approach?

Do you believe persisting in an ineffective approach is more important than our results or do you think it pays to think our approach so we use one that produces results?

What do you think about effectiveness?
Do you think our challenge last forever or do you think overcoming our challenge depends on how effective we are?
How effective are we in overcoming our real challenge?
i don't know and i don't think we're effective enough, otherwise why are we losing our freedom?

How effective are we in helping people be conscious of our reality?
How many conscious people are there, in our world?
i don't know, and i don't think there are enough, otherwise why are we losing our freedom?

You already know my opinion about how we can be more effective from my blog.
i'm curious to know what's your opinion.

  • You can comment below and let me know.
  • You can write your own articles and share them in this community.
  • You can create your own solution oriented community.

Being happy is more important than being effective.

Thanks for taking the time to read my article.
How happy are you in a zero freedom world?

According to Rudolf Steiner, a free man is someone who knows why he wants what he is desiring.

"When your mind is free, everything is free around you" Taisen Deshimaru

Do you believe we should head toward a zero freedom world?

Of course not

How can we prevent that scenario?