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RE: Post for Dopamine Fuel

in ArtBees3 years ago

I got pissed off about downvotes once. I watched a 'curator' scroll the trending page and downvote only arts, entertainment, photography. All within minutes of each other, sometimes seconds. Then they'd upvote the boring internal Hive style and crypto content posts that barely had any engagement. One of the art posts was reblogged over 70 times! Comments galore! Downvoted. Massive downvotes wiping away up to sometimes 60% or more. So I spoke up, ended up being downvoted automatically LOL! I wasn't griping about lost rewards, was simply pointing out how irresponsible those downvotes were, and unnecessary. And one can't say, "It's overrewarded," then give another post more. I mean, they can say that, but that doesn't mean it's honest. Eventually things calmed down though and I got to end it all on a good note with the 'curator', with some humor.

I see one being really loud about downvotes lately. And I sit and wonder if they've ever actually sat down to talk and settle the dispute. But in that case all I see is an agitator, playing the victim card, throwing insults around at damn near everyone. It don't see how that's productive.


I have seen bits of that drama in those days but can't be troubled to dwell on stuff I got no control of. Minding my own small stake bothering with small grassroot level drama. The bigger picture was still foreign and beyond me. I know it's bad but I never had the drive as I'm just one of the freeloaders (before I committed to buying some stake).

I got this idea that we get what kind of platform we deserve as a community and the ecosystem reflects that. If we had more people with stake that are out to do good for everyone it would reflect on the ecosystem eventually. The same way bad actors would try to milk the nice things about the system we have. The community will correct itself, find a common ground and more on to the next conflict. I like the drama/chaos this chain often has, maybe too toxic at times but it's all part of the sell of being decentralized where people can do the hell they want and have consequences for that.

It's nice to have order, everyone not being a dick to everyone else but that's not human nature at work. This is better than the ecosystem the old chain has going, anyone with a skill and a drive to connect can be rewarded. The old barriers for visibility grossly removed (Bid Bot Era) and it's up to people to really put in the work if they want to be noticed more.

The recent downvoting drama over overrewarded posts was part of the inspiration. It smells high self opinion to be so entitled to rewards that they haven't yet earned. I would think it comes from being habitually spoiled with fat upvotes that people are conditioned to think they deserve it or it's Christmas forever.

The chaos is or at least can be quite appealing. I gave one guy a downvote recently, and that's the most views that guy ever had.

Ran into another one doing the same crap spam approach, earning automatically, flying under the radar.

It was so weird how both of them, no matter how it was explained, simply refused to acknowledge their behavior as something that could be deemed distasteful. One was a straight up narcissist, who could do no wrong. True colors shine bright when you put someone in the spotlight.

Normally I stay out of it. I do like to ask some hard pressed questions though. That catches folks off guard. Try that someday. Ask questions and watch how, rather than a straight answer, they'll go straight for your character. And when you don't give a fuck what people think, that doesn't really work well.

I gave one guy a downvote recently, and that's the most views that guy ever had.

I think I've seen that drama unfold, but never stuck to it long. I lurk a lot as part of the gig to spot milkers.

Try that someday. Ask questions and watch how, rather than a straight answer, they'll go straight for your character. And when you don't give a fuck what people think, that doesn't really work well.

I had one instance this happened. They go content dumping and when called out they go reeeee. Suddenly friends of theirs started giving a fuck and they get more upvotes than usual. No comments for weeks. Just content dump cross chains. Had someone with substantial stake message me that they'll just double down on their upvotes if I keep going after their friend.

It all started when I consumed their content and it included a strip of statement mentioning how happy they are with their friends here on Hive. 0 engagement. Couldn't resist and you know how it goes when people are called out. Only stopped downvoting due me ending up doubling their rewards because people take the victim side.

It was so weird how both of them, no matter how it was explained, simply refused to acknowledge their behavior as something that could be deemed distasteful.

Better preserve that internet face because that's all they have going. It's rare to see anyone racking in rewards to openly admit their self doubt or thinking their content ain't all that. This ecosystem has been a bubble world where people are convinced that the social rewards matter. I'm just a nobody on another platform with the same content being run elsewhere and that's a humbling experience.

Did you hunt them down and proceed to put their balls in a drawer then slamming it shut?

No? Well you're welcome to the idea.

Wutang babee!!!

That sounds like something I'd feel, too, if I did it.

Yes yes, now we are talking real sense here.
If you need plyers I got plenty just holler and I will ask me mate Elon to drop off on his starship.
Fucker owes me

Don't wake him up he is peacefully sleep typing.