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RE: Quick coffee comment - Win some stuff for your comment

in Galenkp's Stuff11 months ago

No... you can't eat those... but they were very healthy, with seeds and stuff. In the winter nights we sometimes indulge ourselves.

I loved the game, I was waiting to get home to look for the photo.🤣


You're right I can't...but a man can dream right?

I'm glad you liked this little think I should do it again with some other topic?

Well... dreaming yes, that's all you want.

Of course I would love to... I hope to have pictures for these fun challenges! And if not... I'll figure it out.

Figuring it out is what all humans have to do, but some just don't for some reason. I'm sure you'll be able to make something work...any concept like this will be generic and suited to most.

Then have no doubt that I will be there! I have lots of pictures hahaha

Good night to me, and have a great day to you..... Ohh tomorrow Friday!

It's Friday (today for me) for sure...I've got some interesting (not so easy) topics planned.

I see and yes they are very good, real life dilemmas, I love it!