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RE: Think[zing]

in Galenkp's Stuff8 months ago

I don't have much clue as to exactly what goes into an endeavour like this although I have been around long enough to know that effort is required and it often pays off.

It seems like holozing is getting some good traction around the place and progressing and with the team's work behind the scenes I'm sure it'll go from strength to strength.


Heh yeah there's a lot of effort going on and a lot of things left to do, it's quite a big project but taking it easy one step at a time. Passion for this surely helps and I have to say it's one of the projects I've been most passionate about on Hive and glad I got to get it going eventually.

They say, slow and steady wins the race, but sometimes 'slow and steady' seems a lot like trying to run down a very steep hill and keep one's feet moving fast enough so that one doesn't end up tumbling end over end. I'm sure you know that...but...if you end up doing the head over ass tumble make sure someone videos it and does a post.

Seriously though, I mean it.

Ok, seriously now...I'm sure you'll meet your goals, even if you don't journey there on the path you originally set out upon.