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RE: Still climbing

in Galenkp's Stufflast year

A familiar story and one that is replicated here and in other countries. There are very tough times ahead for millions and millions of people and it'll destroy some of them, and not just in the poorer'll happen in the US, UK, EU and NZ, Canada and Australia also and it may be that those places (the people there) feel it the worst as we are used to such affluence and prosperity.

I wish this wasn't the case, that I saw a way for it to turn around, but I think we're on the brink of a situation far worse than the GFC in 2009/10.


but I think we're on the brink of a situation far worse than the GFC in 2009/10

I've been thinking about the same matter for quite a few months now. If something does happen, a similar situation like 2008, then this time it'll be double the damage. And it'll go on for 5 years at least, for things to calm down.

2008 was different though, I was in my early teens, too young to understand what was going on. But now I see it, and I feel it creeping on me and my family already.

Well, let's buckle up for now and hope for the best, hope for a "soft landing" maybe...

Soft landings are good, I think a lot of people won't have such a landing though.

Expecting a soft landing right now is me being a bit too optimistic, but you never know.

End of the day, big crisis or no crisis, people are already suffering, so if it does get worse than what it currently is, then I don't really know what to expect. There's just going to be a lot of pain, max pain.

It's all a little shrouded in mystery at the moment, I mean what exactly will come and how it will look, but that it's coming is in no doubt.

but that it's coming is in no doubt.

I think so, for now I'm trying to figure out when, it will hit...