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RE: Still climbing

I see everything going up. I truly can't believe the cost of food right now. I don't know how people on lesser incomes that have children manage to feed them and pay all the higher costs of everything else too.

I am in a financial moment in life where I am bringing in enough that it is not causing an issue for me. I am debt free and I make more that what is required for my necessities. I have also just begun to draw my social security in addition to my work income as well. I say a "financial moment" because I haven't lost sight of the fact that in the blink of an eye everything could change. You truly just never know.

I watch "antenna" TV, which is annoying sometimes with all the awful commercials I admit and I have a firestick with Amazon which was a one time payment purchase that lets me choose movies or other programs with no additional costs. I have a cable bill of course for the internet, but it also allows me to work at home, so it has a dual function now. My phone is with an economy phone company called Cricket and the plan I have is priced at $40 (USD of course) a month, but because I let them automatically take my payment monthly from my bank (something I don't normally do), they deduct $5 off that plan, so $35. I don't like to give any company access to deduct their own payment, but if they discounted my bill to this percentage, I'd reconsider. About the only other extra I have is that I also pay for Amazon Prime. I hesitated this year on it, but decided to let it fly at least one more year. I don't normally need the things I order that fast and shipping is free as long as you spend a certain amount, which isn't too high. The Prime does give my firestick additional offerings, but that is not why I have it and I also pay for Amazon unlimited music which I stream through my Alexa products. I do enjoy access to the music a lot. I will decide at the end of the year whether I will continue with prime or not, but I don't have to have it for the firestick or the music. We'll see if it makes the cut in January.

I don't see it getting better. I have hoped it would start leveling out at least. In my lifetime, for whatever reasons pricing on anything has had to go up, I have never seen them come back down once the issue was over, so I don't have much hope on it getting a lot better. I also wonder frequently how many companies are gouging the people and taking advantage of the situation. I believe some are going up much more than they have too, to keep their same profits.

I've always found it almost laughable, but a bit offensive too for companies to say they are "only going up this little bit" as if that won't hurt you, when they know everything else you touch or need is going up too, so it DOES make a difference, especially for those that are having to stretch every penny just to get by.


Working to get yourself into the position you are in is good, admirable, however as you suggest, it can change quickly. Be vigilant.

You have a good approach and are sensible I think, having some things you would like, but not too many, and I agree that things won't come back down, not as much as they went up anyway, it at all.

Price gouging is a reality and a lot are doing it, also price fixing, the big corporations forcing suppliers into lower prices so the corporation's make'll force places to close though, and that affects everything through unemployment and lack of'll change the face of business and that changes things for everyone.

I think a person needs to apply some sense to their situation, and whilst saying things like, I'm not affected much, might seem cool, that sort of bravado will crash down upon many people's heads if they don't make changes.

Yes, making changes while it's voluntary helps keep a better mindset about doing with less than waiting till you are forced too. It is always helpful to take care of yourself that way. Saving most of the extra too "just in case" is a good thing too. I have two bigger ticket items that really need to be replaced and one that I "think" I need. After those are updated, All of the second income will be put away for the day when that may be the only income.

A little preparation is easily done and can make a big difference down the track. You're on the right path I think, I like to think I am too.