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RE: Still climbing

in Galenkp's Stufflast year (edited)

I am definitely feeling the pinch. I have also changed my spending habits, buying bigger-ticket items I have had my eye on before the price hikes can hit them. To anyone reading this comment thread, I would strongly suggest diversifying your financial planning out of government fiat. Stock markets and commodities are likely to be volatile, but good investment will likely protect and grow real value even if some markets flop and businesses fail. Of course, I'm also bullish on crypto in the long term regardless of current prices.

As for day-to-day, I have seen food, gasoline, and other essentials spiking. Lots of influences are in play, but the COVID money pump is still causing a lot of big ripple effects.


I would strongly suggest diversifying your financial planning out of government fiat.

This began to happen four years ago for me and I've said a little about it in that time, although talking much about my true financial position here isn't something I'll get into.

There's so many moving parts to this situation and I don't think anyone could say they're across them all however looking at one's own situation, finances and costs, is a good starting point. Many don't do that though, I guess the head in the sand and hope strategy will still bring a result, just not one most would like.

That was meant as a more general "you" as opposed to giving my sage advice to a novice, LOL! And no, don't divulge that stuff here. As Gandalf warned Frodo, "Keep it secret. Keep it safe."

Ah ok, sorry, my bad.

You, (and I mean you) are one hundred percent correct though...the sad truth is so many just don't think about it. I get it, it's negative, sorrowful, frightening and all...but not planning ahead won't make those things go away. I suppose that's human nature though...I know people who do the same with their health.\

"Keep it secret. Keep it safe."

Gandalf always has such good advice.

'I wish it need not have happened in my time,' said Frodo.
'So do I,' said Gandalf, 'and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.'

'Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.'

‘But in the meantime what course am I to take?’
‘Towards danger; but not too rashly, nor too straight,’ answered the wizard.