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RE: Coming and going

in Galenkp's Stuff6 months ago

I can barely concentrate on normal airport things, really can't work in that kind of environment XD Do you manage to get work done while you're waiting when you're on a business trip or is it something that has to wait til you're in the accommodation/office/wherever you were going?

Even the less desirable things are fine when it's something you actually want to be doing XD


I don't get much work done...but, having said that, is observing and admiring air hostesses work? Hmm, methinks it could be.

Seriously though, I sometimes sit in the airline's frequent flyer lounge and work a little, and if not then the work I do is mainly clearing up email inboxes, organising computer folders and my calendar, sending texts and such's not work per se, just work related.

I would still count tooling and housekeeping as work as it faciliates more efficient working. Guess one just has to not get too carried away with the tooling and remember to do actual work >_>

Oh yeah, the actual work element must be remembered or things don't go so well when it's time to be accountable. 🙂