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RE: Weird room but good food

in Galenkp's Stuff21 days ago

When I was growing up hotel rooms (my mum loved her hotels) always had two double beds, she and dad had one and sibling dearest and I had the other one. I don’t know why, maybe doubles with singles aren’t so common then?

When we got older we usually got adjoining rooms that also had double doubles. We each stretched out luxuriously in our own one then so I guess it’s aimed at people travelling together and sharing a room but not a bed.

Things generally stay away from me but sibling dearest has stayed in some “interesting” ones including one where she and our cousin found some giant handprint with elongated fingers on the doorframe of the bathroom as they were checking out and they said it was lucky it was in that end of the trip as they wouldn’t have stayed in the room if they’d found it on the first day 🤣


I've stayed in countless hotels around the world and never seen it. I walked in, saw the two doubles and was like, what the bloody fuck! #wtbf

Hand print with elongated fingers? Like an alien? #wtbf applies there too.

They jumped to hantu (ghost) as I think they were somewhere in Asia at the time 😆 definitely a #wtbf moment for them too I think!

Aliens, ghosts...both get the hell out of there-worthy.