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RE: Still climbing

in Galenkp's Stufflast year

That was awful! Increasing the payment for the same mobile plan without any improvement. Bet they do it not because they are on a profit loss but because they can and want to further extract from people.

At the very least, capitalism is still working in my country so there were still competition between companies between services and regulates their price to some extent buy inflation goes really hard on food specially when we lack supply like chilly pepper that got more than 600% increase due to lack of supply so what we did was to convert some part of our garden and plat chilly pepper then we recently added garlic and onions so it will take some time for them to bear fruit.


They have shareholders to keep happy I guess, infrastructure to build, and they like to make massive profits too, which they do. It's the way if the world. What more do I get for the additional cost? Nothing. Doesn't seem very balanced right?

Inflation is going to increase sharply I think, probably in every country, and people will have to learn to get by with less, I think that's pretty clear. I hope it's not too terrible a time, but I suspect it will be for many people.

Yeah shareholders too and I don't even know how much this corporations lobby so that they can keep doing this while and the government doesn't do anything to stop them.

It's all a shambles and getting worse.