
Your life story motivates me to dare to fly

Fly! Or at least attempt to.

The thing is, even when you fall there's something to be learned, benefit to gain. It's those things that help move you towards your desired outcomes next time...or you fall again and then try again. Constantly improving your thoughts and attitudes will help you get your actions on track and that's what's going to put you into flight. There's no time like the present either, fly now!

Of course, don't go jumping of any bridges or buildings, mountains or any other high place...we're talking about flying in a figurative sense only...But fly yahli, dare to do something different or that makes you feel's in that place you'll begin to see the gains.

General Norman Schwarzkopf said, "True courage is being afraid, and going ahead and doing your job anyhow, that's what courage is."

Find it and fly.

Also, I noticed you self-voted your own comment. That's not really the done thing around here. Just letting you know.

very true as you said, falling is not the end, as long as we can still move, we can still try and try again, until we can achieve what we want.
Actually God has determined everything, all we have to do is try and don't give up, because God hates people who are hopeless.

Mohon maaf atas apa yang terjadi pada komentar saya,karena menurut saya,memilih diri sendiri untuk kesenangan karena jikalau orang lain tidak memilihnya,setidaknya saya punya satu pemilih. tetapi kalau perbuatan yang saya lakukan itu salah,saya akan merubah kedepannya.saya punya hati yang lemah dalam hal ini.

Actually God has determined everything, all we have to do is try and don't give up, because God hates people who are hopeless.

I'm non-religious so don't believe this - I believe I'm responsible. Also, what sort of god hates hopeless people? I'd say, not a very good one.

This dilarang putus asa yang membuat saya berkata demikian.

Kalau anda bukan-religius maka lupakan

I don't speak whatever language that is above, sorry.