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RE: Quick comment concept [QCC9] - Win stuff for a comment

Oh comments and local images with stories are my jam!


I have a whole story teed up for this one but i love this shot for the excitement, the triumph and the human connection.

At a marketing company @town-crier, we partner with an events company and were charged not only with ticket promotion and sales for this wrestling event, we held a contest with a prize of Manager for a Day.

The winner happened to be a neurodivergent young fella who was OVERLY excited not only to be involved, but to put his stamp on the history books as a victorious manager. I wasnt quite sure how this would play out but let the dice fly.

They exploded out of the tunnel and poured energy all over that place which hadnt seen a professional wrestling event of that scale in decades. The match was exciting and gruelling while they had to park their manager near the back so he wouldn’t get hurt or interfere with the production.

When the 3-count happened in their favour, Donzo rocketed up the aisle and slid right into the match in unplanned, unrehearsed elation for his team.

This was the shot at the end that still makes me smile. Not only did it appear this was the best day of his life, it was also his 15 minutes of fame. The wrestlers celebrated with him and kept him safe when he daringly climbed the ropes to raise his arms. The whole community joined in his huge moment and cheered along with him like he had just won the world championship himself.

Donzo the Victor!

This is the experience i was hoping would happen for someone and proud to have played a part in making that happen.


Longest 50 word comment I've ever seen, but here's some Ecency points anyway. (The 50 word limit is so that I will have the time in my life to read each comment considering I know I'll get a lot of them).


Haha! I am here for the stories and not the finer details I guess!

I can see that. No worries, I write a lot too, it's just that I have a finite amount of time in my day for Hive and have to fit all my activities into it.

Go Donzo, the happiest man alive, for a moment at least! (A moment he'll remember for a long time I think.)