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RE: The Official COVID Narrative is Falling to Pieces

Great informative videos "young" man. I know very few people in my life in your age that have mind this fresh and clear. Please keep uploading... its good content!

In other news. I checked official CDC website:
...and I grabbed a screenshot of the table showing scenario no. 5 "Scenario 5: Current Best Estimate" showing estimated "Infection Fatality Ratio" and I thrown this into my facebook wall. And facebook is dumb enough to flag this screenshot as "fake news" explaining: "No! CDC did not say that coronavirus is less dangerous than influenza". Funny cause I never said that in the post. I just pasted screenshoot... Those idiots working for Zuckerberg have trash algorithms that auto flag content based on some ambiguous border conditions which have no consistency. This means that they can censor basically anything now even if the post is about something completely different from what the "fact checker" claims is "fake news".