Rest - a 5 minute Free Write - prompt "Fender Bender"

in Freewriters2 years ago


Thud thud thud thud. He turned the wheel back towards his lane, thankful to the Cat's eyes that just saved his life. He turned the Eagles of Death Metal up a notch and opened the window to allow some cold country air to permeate through the car. His eyelids held the weight of the world. Every blink felt like the shutters on the front of a building going up and down.

Then he could see her in the distance, there was a glow from her. She was somehow otherworldly. Her perfect skin was a vision. She cast no shadow. He reached out to see if she was real. Just as his hand was about to touch hers, there was an explosion of sound.


He swerved violently back to his side of the road, blessed himself and pulled into the side of the road before it all went off in a bottle of smoke. Rest. It was time to rest.

Five Minute Free Writes

I am back doing these Free writes again, and I must say that I am really enjoying them and can remember now why I used to do them most days in the early days when I first joined.

When I first arrived on Hive or the previous chain, I would often struggle for ideas on what to write about, and there were two writing initiatives that really helped - one was called #fiftywords where you could use only fifty words to tell a story about a prompt word and the other was #freewrite which basically sets a challenge of writing a mini story within 5 minutes. I regularly took part in both, and people like @mariannewesta and and loads of other brilliant people, so every now and then I see a post from @mariannewest and think to myself, go and do a freewrite, so that is just what I did two weeks ago and again 3 days ago, and I enjoyed it, so here I am back for another freewriting fix. I hope to continue to pop in every now and then to say hello.

Maybe you've never heard of the freewrites yourself, and if that is the case, I'd encourage you to have a go, read about todays prompt and how to enter below and above all else mind yourself and have a great day - smile, rub a dog, help a stranger and just be a nice human.

The photo used is not my own and was sourced on

Peace out.

Ablaze (3).jpg


Nice bro, beep beep bop. Keep up the brain hop. Keep rockin n dont stop. Hope you been good pal.


Ata boy Quackser.... All good this end man, busy, but healthy and happy!